Action stations

term 4 action stations-Quiz night

today me and my group, Amber, Lexie and Jayde did quiz night, the categories were capital city’s which was fun but it was hard,next we did fruit unscrambler, that was the easiest one out of them all, then we had the flags, which was hard and the last one was 2 word challenge which was when you were given 2 words like wood and legs would be table, my favourite one was the fruit unscrambler and my least favourite one was the 2 word challenge

Passions 13.9.24

Today my class did passions, Passions are something that you do in tangaroa and you can do a lot of things to get better at.\

My long term goal is going to be football because I love playing it with all of my friends

Me and my friends  Sophie and Amber played taco, cat, goat, cheese, pizza, if you dont know that game it is like the game snap but you dont wanna be last because f you are last then yo get the pile and you want to be the one with the least amount of cards because  if you have the most cards then you will loose


For literacy we had to write a poem, I wrote about when you don’t like someone, I did the idiom boil her blood which means very angry and makes my blood boil means negative attitude to them, here is my poem

The devil’s eyes lit up

They thought she was an angel but she’s not

We want her blood to boil

She likes to make up lies and says shes telling the truth

She makes other peoples blood boil because of how she acts

She thinks she’s so cool but she’s far from that

Everyone wants to sleep and wake up with her gone but she never is

She is walking on thin ice with me because if she does one more thing wrong shes gonna regret it

She likes to make people’s lives miserable but she is a rude person and everyone DISLIKES  her.

Passion project

Card / Spot It.

Goal: Focus more and get better at going faster and know what you are putting down before you put it down.


 Sophie, Cylis and I played card games, it was fun and i liked playing spot it and card games and everything i will probably do it another time but not next week.we played for  about 30 to 35 minutes playing.



Today we have been learning about the prefixes inter and over, I wrote a piece of writing using some of the words.

I went to bed a 10:30 because I had an important interview in the morning but suddenly my alarm went off but I just ignored it but then I woke up an hour later and I had overslept, so I ran down stairs and had some food but then I have overeaten so I vomited but I still went to the interview and I got in and I was so happy but they said I overdid the work but I don’t think I did.


This term and last term we have been focusing on articles and we have all made our own so here’s mine about football.


I love football,  I’ve been playing  for 3 years.  Now I am going to tell you some of the history and how rugger and assoccer evolved into football and soccer. You may not know those names but that’s what football and soccer used to be called.


The History Of Football

The first ever football team was called Sheffield the world’s oldest football team, They were the first ever team but they are not well known .

They used to call football rugger (rugby football) assoccer (association football)but they changed the names after a while because it was too confusing and hard to say so they changed it to football and soccer.

The first football player was fergus suter, He is not one of those well known football players like messi and ronaldo but he was the first ever player.The first ever football competition was the youdan cup and it took place in 1867 and that was the first proper football teams to compete.


There were 11 players but 7 on at a time they did have different positions but they were still in the same places as now and they did the same thing.

There were 4 off at a time and they were the subs like we have subs now, they were for the same things as now and like if you got hurt and tired and you couldn’t run.

You could use your hands but only is you were a goalkeeper like now, the goalie gloves look different to them not but they still do the same thing



The first football uniform was black and white stripes and they were a lot less like a uniform then than now and they didn’t even say the name of the club it was just black and white stripes.

They started using shin pads in the early 20th century but until the 2oth century they did not use shin pads so if they got hurt then you just got subbed off.

They did use long socks when they played football but they were a lot different from now because they did not have a lot of  money to buy good things.



In conclusion  I think that you should play football because it is so fun and you could get fit from it and the history is so cool to see what it is now and what it used to be like, It’s so cool to see what the old equipment used to look like ages ago and the rules are kinda the same but also different so that’s why I like football.

Passion Progect

Passion Project 


Goal, today i am going to be playing football with Sophie and practicing my aim at goal and good passes and maybe play a big game at the end with some other people.

What i achieved, I achieved taking the ball and getting better at aiming for the goal, because of the aiming practice i scored a goal and my team won 2 nil

Action station softball

Action Station Softball

  1. What do you think of softball as an action station, It was fun and matua taught us a lot of tricks.
  2. What did you learn/do in this action station, I learned how to catch it properly and throw it properly.
  3. Do you enjoy/not enjoy it, why? I did because I learned a lot of new skills and how to do so many things
  4. What did you find challenging, I found the catching and throwing challenging for the first few weeks but when we played more I got better at them.
  5. What was your favourite part, My favourite part was everything because I liked it all and it was fun.
  6. Would you choose it again if this was put forward for next term, Maybe because I might want to choose something new next term.

The Portal

Deep within the heart of the forest, Where  sunlight barley reaches the sun  finally glows deep where there was a little boy discovered. I went  in because I heard this agonising screaming coming from in amongst the trees. when I got in there I heard a little boy screaming and i thought to my self I dont know why  so I stayed their for a while until it was late and he told me why he was upset he said that he misses his parents because a few weeks back they went  missing  so I said that he could  stay the night at my house


When he got there he was so  hungry so I gave him something to eat and then I put him into bed, When  he woke up he said that was the best sleep I have ever had after that we went back and when we got back his parents had finally came back. When they got back they were a bit hesitant because they thought that their son had gone missing but after that they thanked me.


After that I brought them something to eat every day and after that we became really close so our kids  would hang out all the time and we were good friends and they loved there portal  but one day something strange happend the parents weren’t there so Ithought where are they and their son was not their but really they were just hiding because they wanted to surprise me with a surprise birthday party the end